Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Plastic Lumber

The consumer culture in Colima, Mexico involves the use of plastic bags to package everything. Going to the market to by food for one person for one week can easily end up in adding 15 plastic bags to the pile that is already at home. So far there isn't a wide scale plastic recycling programme in place in this city and most people are not conscious of the large about of plastic that each of us adds to the environment on a daily basis. Another thing i've noticed about Colima is the high cost of lumber. A plastic lumber project could posibly work for this city.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Climatization Stratergies

Being a true expert in bioclimatic design should involve knowing all the techniques employed in creating the occupant's desired interior climate.

Taking these 7 stratergies illustrated by B. Givoni's Psycrometric Chart (Ventilation, Convective Night Cooling, Evaporative cooling, Thermal Mass, Humidification, Dehumidification and Solar radiation) one of my projects should be to create a data base of existing systems of climatization!

ESP Application

Architect Vassilis Bouriotis. Anezine Village Resort in Paros, Greece. Sustainable Bioclimatic Architecture. (Kisha: Man! Esp-r gave me such a headache when i tried to use it.)

25 Bioclimatic Dwellings

Energetically self-sufficient estate composed of 25 different bioclimatic dwellings, winners of the International Competition officially recognized by the International Union of Architects.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

AXIS no. 9 - Call for Papers

The journal of the Caribbean School of Architecture - axis - invites submissions of Abstracts, images, and other Visual Material in support of original works of research that interrogate the domain of architectural education in the 21st century.

What is the role of the architectural models of the 20th centruy in a world of increasingly ambiguous geographic boundaries supported by mobile systems of communication, trade and the seduction of surface? What structures the quality of space and community, the valeue of place?

We encourage a critical inquiry of methods, materials and tolls that evaluate theory and the production space.

Abstracts are to be of a 300 word limit and research papers 3000-6000 words, double spaced.

Please send submissions to the attention of the editor at axis@utech.edu.jm

Works are reviewed by an editorial committee, provisionally accepted and follow a Blind Review process for recommendations. Revised works are forward to the editor for final acceptance.

Cape Wind Associates has proposed the development of America’s first offshore wind farm, 130 wind turbines in Nantucket Sound, intended to supply 70% of Cape Cod and the Islands with clean and renewable power.

Saturday, August 27, 2005


The advanced architectura competition organized by The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. http://www.advancedarchitecturecontest.org/web/en/index_en.htm


The highlight of my studies in Mexico would have to be attending in the 6th Congreso Latinoamericano Sobre Confort y Comportamiento Termico de las Edificiones. From the left: Eduardo González - Venezuela, Baruch Givoni - Israel, John Martin Evans - Argentina, Steven Szokolay - Australia, Francis Allard - France. Some of the superstars in Bioclimatic Research.